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                  India's TOP RATED online store for rare & exotic cactus succulent plants


  • WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get!
  • We do not use pesticides or fungicides - all our plants are certified free from any chemical strains, unless sourced from third parties.
  • All plants are clicked in natural light after spraying water to accentuate the beauty of the plant.
  • In case of multiple plants availability:
    • please note that there can be variations in size and shape of plants in comparison to what is depicted.
    • price mentioned is per plant.
  • Measurement scale in centimetres is provided in the last image for plant size reference.
  • Any plant having 'fresh potting' in its title means that the plant is freshly planted and might not have elaborate root system. However, such plants are listed for sale only because they are very easy to root. Still the patrons are requested to keep this in mind.
  • In the 'EYWA' category, the brnaches at the top will be cut to make the package smaller without compromising on the look and quality of the plant.
  • Please note that if you are buying variegated plants, the amount of variegation or stability of variegation in times to come for that particular plant is not guaranteed. Variegation is highly unpredictable and sometimes gets totally lost or is significantly reduced depending on many growing factors.
  • If you are buying seeds please note:
    • We offer seeds from same source that we grow our own plants.
    • Germination of seeds depends on many factors - ambient temperature, humidity, light, sterility of media, etc. Therefore, guaranteeing germination is not possible.
    • If you would like to find out more about 'our' seed germination procedure, please write to us.
  • As a responsible and nature-caring company, we try to re-use and re-cycle as much as possible. To this effect, we try not to increase our carbon footprint by using brand new packing material. In case you do not agree to this and want us to use brand new packing material, do let us know after placing your order.
  • Do remember to read the Privacy PolicyTerms of Use and FAQs before you decide to place an order.
  • Proceeding from this page to the cart and subsequent payment, it is assumed that you have read the Privacy PolicyTerms of Use and FAQs and you agree to abide by all provisions mentioned therein.

Haworthia truncata variegated

SKU: HW-0325-203
Only 1 left in stock

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